Why sustainability needs to be a long-term trend in business travel

This year is a defining moment for business travel. Although global mobility has picked up again, as companies mobilize their teams, corporate travel needs to adapt further to remain the top contributor to airline revenue (creating 75% of their profits).

The key here is for business travelers to travel smarter, not harder. Recent events and the COP26 summit have brought sustainability in travel to the forefront of global awareness. Governments are enforcing policies, companies are being held accountable and guests are demanding change, with 4 of 5 travelers seeing sustainability as a vital step forward. 

This global demand isn’t a trend that will fade (although it is trendy to be eco right now), it’s here to stay. Businesses need to implement and embed long-term solutions into how employees travel, as it’s been shown companies without a clear policy for sustainable travel have reported difficulties in hiring since the pandemic (45%).

The short answer to why sustainability needs to be a long-term business travel trend is to set a good example for future generations and save our planet, but we’re going to tell you how this can be a great opportunity for your business.

3 benefits of sustainable business travel

  1. Company culture – Bring your team together with a shared goal. Demonstrate your willingness to be part of the solution, and reap the benefits of loyal employees and a united workforce. 

69% of global travelers expect more sustainable travel options, and according to Trainline Partner Solutions, two-thirds of employees expect their employers to offer these. 

It only takes a few small changes to make a big impact: choose sustainable travel like public transport, use ecards and e-tickets, swap out single-use plastic for long-term options like reusable water bottles, and choose eco-accommodation. 

Did you know business class has the potential to create almost twice as much CO2 emissions as economy? 

Eco habits set by you can empower employees by helping them feel they’re making a difference to this global issue. This confidence will show through their work and their loyalty to your business. Respect is everything when it comes to employees, they’re more likely to stay with a company they trust is doing the right thing. 

  1. Attract talent and customers – For your business to continue to succeed, you need quality employees driving it forward. But employees, especially the younger generations, are demanding corporate social responsibility and look for this when deciding to take a new job. 

Millennials and Gen Z will soon make up the majority of the workforce, and since over half say they’d be happier in a job where they can make an impact and 45% would take a pay cut to do so for environmental/social issues, it’s vital for businesses to accommodate if they want to keep their workforce and attract talent. 

81% of customers prefer buying from eco-brands. If your customers or partners see you demonstrating eco values, they’re more likely to go into business with you. There’s a lot of greenwashing out there; people need actions to prove a company’s eco-goals and efforts to reach them. 

  1. Save time and money – Yes, that’s right – traveling smarter and more sustainably can save on travel costs, and traveling efficiently will save you time whilst also saving the planet. 

Consider the inefficiencies in your travel procedures. Do you use multiple platforms for booking each part of the process, when you could use one platform connected to trusted partners?

Your time should be spent learning how to better your business. So, use tech innovations to support you and automate time-consuming tasks like answering employee queries and keeping them up-to-date on the travel journey, with 24-7 guest services. 

Quickly find vetted accommodation options tailored to your needs with travel technology, like Reside 3Sixty’s Home Match™, and save on the fees involved in sourcing multiple providers for each part of the travel journey. 

The good news is that your business can massively benefit from being eco-friendly. Here’s the bad – failure to provide sustainable travel options could be detrimental to your business. So, to keep thriving, improving, and succeeding – include environmental values in your travel policies by using trusted travel partners, employing an eco company culture, and embracing travel tech. 

Reside 3Sixty
Reside 3Sixty is a state-of-the-art marketplace that reduces the noise in extended-stay travel.

Our HomeMatch™ technology leverages machine learning and human expertise to curate quality, cost-effective housing where your employees feel safe, comfortable, and at peace.